Entries by admin


Being so connected to one’s phone… How did we ever live without it? Pre-2000… Our cognitive maps changed completely. I swear, our brains, our brain structures have changed.

The Frequent Flyer

We are starting a new style here, of writing some ‘blog pieces’… Let’s see how it will go!

So how is life? ‘Çok şükür’… Thank God.. Gottseidank. We are alive. The climate is changing, Greta the Climate Action Kid is leading the world and we are following avidly.

The Race to Slowness

(With thanks to Özlem Özülker..) Engage in the oft-missing luxury of unhurried movement. Life is so fast, especially modern life. We get out of balance with the speed, intensity, complexity. Slowness is something we miss, at a deep level, something we crave. 1. Improve Lymph Flow Going at slow speed activates the pulsing lymph flow […]

Crowdfunding Campaigns

Full Page Ad in the New York Times on the Gezi Protests: http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/full-page-ad-for-turkish-democracy-in-action Istanbul United the Movie: http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/istanbul-united-the-movie Ziazan the Movie- when it comes to chocolate, there are no borders (Turkish-Armenian co-production): http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/ziazan—2 Kusursuzlar (The Impeccables) the Movie: http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/kusursuzlar-the-impeccables

Notes about handling the ‘culture of speed’

I recently read a book called The Culture of Speed by John Tomlinson. Here is my review of it on Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/704890372. I made some notes out of it, because they resonate with the ‘down time’ that I have been going through since November 2012. ‘Downshifting‘: to change a highly paid but stressful job for one […]